41 Pender St ,Thornbury VIC 3071, Australia
If you’re looking for reliable and trusted plumbing company we’re at Your service!

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Reliable Cleaning Services
The list of our services
End of Lease cleaning with bond back guarantee

End of lease cleaning services are specifically designed to see you have left the place in a good condition. Your lease has come to an end and now you have to vacant the space

  • Kitchen cleaning
  • Bathrooms cleaning
  • Toilets clean
  • Bedrooms clean
  • Wardrobes clean
  • Lounge clean
Additional Cleaning

Additional cleaning service is performed to enhance your cleaning experience. In domestic cleaning we include all types of cleaning services in bathroom, kitchen, windows, drawers, cabinets and so on.

Regular Domestic Cleaning

Dusting, vacuuming, washing are the most tedious tasks of every home. Everyone wants to live in the clean homes but it is a time consuming process. Your home is the only place where you can enjoy the peace of mind.

Move In Cleaning

Relocating to a new apartment is an exciting affair. But excitement comes to an end when you see the new home is left behind dirt, grimy windows, and stains on walls. Don’t be despair, before settling down, contact to us.

Carpet Steam Cleaning

Carpet steam cleaning service is especially tailored to keep your home green and clean. We all have carpets around home and this gives a comfy and luxury look to your home.

Upholstery Steam Cleaning

Home is the symbol status of everyone. Every home has furniture to give their home a royal look. As the time passes your furniture traps dust, spots and some stains which make your upholstery look ugly.

Builder Cleaning

A newly build apartments or partial renovated properties left behind paint marks, some debris, dust and rubble. The after builder’s cleaning service is adapted for those builders who want their apartment to be spotless and dustless.

Office Cleaning

Office cleaning is necessary part for business growth. If your office is not clean you might not get such good response from customers, employees and clients. Dusting, wiping, vacuuming and mopping are the basic cleaning services every office must follow weekly, fortnightly

Electrical Services
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